Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Inspiration Board > Summer River Style

We love a good inspiration board here at the QB blog and now that the weather is heating up with the approach of Summer, we find here at the QB headquarters we are increasingly sharing our summertime day dreams of spending days down by the water side, crisp cool breezes and lounging in the shade! We thought it was a very suitable time to feature our Summer River Style feature to get you in the mood! 

Summer River Style:
Fresh and playful details, natural materials, and colours inspired by a day on the water make for a sweet wedding lunch or laid back evening event. 

CONCEPT: Invitation Station & Styled Events
invitationstation.net; styledevents.com.au

STATIONERY: menus, placecards, guest signing
section and fans: Invitation Station

LOCATION: The Jetty on Oxford
on the Brisbane River thejettyoxford.com.au

STYLING: Styled Events including freestanding
outdoor ceremony marquee and lounge area

PHOTOGRAPHY: Stewart Ross stewartross.com.au

Thank you to the team > Invitation Station + Styled Events + Stewart Ross Photography for creating the Summer River Style feature and The Jetty Oxford on the Brisbane River for allowing our team to take over their premises and create such a cool space! Find the double page spread on page 192 of our Queensland Brides Summer 11/12 issue,  grab the issue online here.

Feeling inspired? Click on the categories below to head to our online directories to find your dream supplier, or click the gallery link for even more inspiration!

QB x

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