Monday, September 30, 2013

Couture Collective #8 Helena Karkovic of Helena Couture Designs

Meet Helena Karkovic, Queensland wedding gown designer ...

Helena Karkovic
Label: Helena Couture Designs

The primary school playground was a hotbed of fashion inspiration for budding young designer Helena Karkovic.“I always had an eye for fashion, what I wanted to wear, and analysed people’s wardrobes - what they were wearing, how they were wearing it, whether it suited them” she reveals. “That hasn’t changed, it’s only intensified with time and experience.” Pictured here in her studio and also on location at a sumptuous Helena Couture photo shoot, this Gold Coast-based designer is always looking for a fresh challenge, and in her element when surrounded by beautiful fabrics, sparkling crystals and fine feathers.

Your label in three words?
Timeless, Elegance, Individual

Are there any key trends which have come through in your latest collection?
Texture, Layers, Recycling (using the bride’s mother or grandmothers lace on the bride’s gown), Use of more lace and lace sleeves, Revitalising the fashions from the 1920’s-1960’s.

As a designer are you meticulously organised, a chaotic creative or free-thinking?
I am meticulous in all aspects from design, detail, customer satisfaction, making sure the design is flattering, the fit perfect, the look , detail, everything.

You are inspired by ...
Many things inspire me, but they usually always involve the environment around me at the time. I find life inspiring ... movies, music, fabric/materials, people, places, events.

Your best advice to girls looking for their dream gown?
This is going to be one of the most important days of your life – don’t ruin it with cheap imitations purchased over the internet – too many girls have wasted their money doing this, only to have to throw the gown away and still purchase something in Australia, or spend many hours and money trying to fix it.There are designers and bridal shops/boutiques catering for all price tags from budget to high end. Let us spoil you, while also giving you the wedding gown you deserve.

Fabric, embellishment and structure - if you could only choose two, what would they be?
I need three – lace, sparkle and feathers.

In your workroom we would always find ...
Music – can’t live or work as effectively without it.

What is your vision for your label in the future?
To continue to push myself to create elegant, innovative, feminine bridal gowns that will evoke beautiful emotions in not only the bride, but everyone who sees her in her gown, that will be remembered forever.

Get to know Helena Couture Designs
In Person
Phone 07 5529 4203

Over the web

Check out Queensland Brides at and Twitter. Get the latest issue here.

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