There is so much to love about Casey and Paul's wedding. As soon as we saw the pretty pics, we couldn't resist uploading to our blog! The unique venue and all the homemade, personal touches really reflect the style of Paul and Casey, and we feel their wedding is a wonderful source of inspiration for you, our blog reader. What a handsome groom and radiant bride!
Congratulations to you both … we are excited to share their wedding and we hope you enjoy!
Vintage Country Dance
Coronation Hall, Somerset Dam Village

Coronation Hall, Somerset Dam Village
Custom made vintage lace
Bridesmaid gowns
They chose their own.
Groomsmen's suits
They chose their own.
Groom's suit
The Cloakroom
Arrangements by Ryan Filce
Juanita King – Fabulous Everything
The Powder Room
Homemade Apple and Rhubarb pies
Walked to ceremony with parents.
Ipod playlist
Elleni Toumpas Wedding Photography -
Spoonfed and Bottlefed
Fiona Robertson
Special Thanks
All of our family and friends who made the day possible. The fantastic quality of the people around us made the whole experience warm and full of joy.
Advice / Comments
Make it your own. We both had very strong views about making things distinctively ours and not following traditions that did not hold any significance for us. Let creative people be creative.
QB > Thank you to Casey & Paul for sharing your day with us! Thank you to Elleni for sending us your very gorgeous images!
You can see Elleni's full blog post on the wedding here > (Elleni by the way, is a previous member of the QB web team! Go Elleni!)
"Paul and Casey were married last month at the Coronation Hall at Somerset Dam Village. From first meeting both Paul and Casey I instantly fell in love with everything about the couple: their outlook on their special day, what was important to capture and how they were decorating.
On arriving at Somerset Village for the day and taking a sneak peek at inside the Hall I was immediately made to feel at home (and secretly it was like I was looking into the scene of perhaps my future wedding venue). Everything was decorated by family and friends, from old wooden chairs stripped back and repainted by Casey’s father, to the relish - a secret recipe made by Casey’s mum only for Christmas. The hall, the decor and even the food (catered by Spoon Fed) perfectly matched and added to the homey feel of one of my favourite weddings all year!"
QB x
( P.S. The Summer issue is OUT NOW! Buy online here > )
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